We Are Changed By The Gospel.

We believe that every person in the world has sinned. When I sinned, it changed my relationship with God and my inward nature. It changed my relationship with God because a verdict of guilt came upon me and I stood condemned. It changed my inward nature because sin is like an addiction. Sinning makes me a sinner—a person whose nature is inclined toward sin. Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose again in order to open a door to escape the effects of sin. By way of the gospel of Jesus Christ we can be pardoned for our sin. By way of the gospel of Jesus Christ we can be changed from a sinner to a saint in terms of what we do, say, think, and feel.

We Are A Bible-Based Church.

We believe that the Bible is true without any mixture of error. We seek to derive our theology, ethics, structure, and worship patterns from the Bible. When our culture asks difficult questions, we try to respond with biblical answers.

We Are Telling People About Jesus And Inviting Them To Follow Him.

Our church is involved in evangelism and missionary work throughout the world by way of our partnership with other Southern Baptist churches. We have been involved directly —going ourselves, beyond our giving and our praying— in local work; throughout Texas; in places in the United States, including Utah, Montana, Chicago, and Oklahoma City, and international destinations like Senegal, Guatemala, Cuba, China, Thailand, Ecuador, Haiti, and Great Britain.

Our Church Serves Others.

Our partnership with Farmersville churches through City on a Hill Ministries provides food, clothing, and bill-payment services to our needy neighbors. Through individual church members who participate in SBC Disaster Relief and through our church’s mission trips we have responded to Hurricanes Katrina, Ike, Rita, and Harvey; Super storm Sandy; tornadoes in multiple states; and tsunamis in the Western Pacific.

Learn about our beliefs and church covenant.

Meet The FBCF Team

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